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About I2L

We are…

“A cleantech firm implementing energy  efficiency and renewable energy projects in  buildings, smart cities and cooling sector”

We believe in

“A technology agnostic approach for  decarbonization of buildings through innovative  technologies and long-term sustainability”


  1. 30% of global energy-related CO2 emissions due to buildings
  2. Buildings energy-related materials and operations constitute significant portion of carbon footprint
  3. Roadmap requires holistic and system thinking approach for reducing SCOPE 1, 2 & 3 emissions

NetZero Carbon = Decarbonize + Offset

  • I2L identified 700 building projects with a built-up area exceeding 40,000 sq m across 8 metropolitan cities as potential customers.

  • India has 75 airports with 92 terminal buildings; around 63 retail operators operating more than 25 stores each; and 98 proposed smart cities.

  • Centralized Cooling System in the commercial buildings present a huge opportunity in the growing Indian market for both new and existing buildings
  • Residential buildings present a future market, where centralized cooling systems in the form of district cooling will be implemented

Catching up the curve

Retrofits & Replacements

  • Commercially tested and widely available technologies & solutions from leading OEMs with 25-40% energy efficiency improvements

Examples: Chiller, cooling tower, pump replacements, variable drives, 1st generation/market tested digital interventions.

Beating the curve

Field-testing innovative technologies

  • Incremental 15-25% efficiency improvements beyond retrofits
  • Longer pay-back periods with significant system/environmental benefits
  • Emerging cutting-edge technology areas including cross-over solutions (Nano-technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Nature Based & Renewable solutions)

Examples: Thermal Storage, AI/IOT Data  Acquisition & Control, Heat Rejection, Heat  Exchange, Renewable Energy Integration

I-SEE Product-Service Model >> Data Driven Decision Making + Deep Retrofit + Project Management + Innovative Business Model

Implementation Approach


Status-Quo Assessment

  • Walk-through energy audit of the facility.
  • Data collection through structured interview and logged information.
  • Analysis of energy demand, consumption and costs.
  • High level scoping of potential EE & RE interventions and their cost benefit analysis
  • Catalyse decision making for implementation of programme under EPC/ESCO/EaaS.


Audit and Investment Appraisal

  • Collect detailed energy performance data.
  • Analyze collected data and identify potential EE and RE strategies.
  • Financial analysis of identified EE and RE strategies.
  • Develop implementation action plan.
  • Establish measurement and verification plan based on international protocol.
  • Engage with client for preparation of implementation phase based on the selected approach.



  • Set-up a PMU based on the implementation approach. Develop design brief for EE and RE strategies.
  • Organize/support design, procurement, implementation and commissioning of EE and RE strategies.
  • Ensure agile workflow as per the timeline and budget.
  • Implement measurement and verification plan as defined.
  • Organize/support the maintenance of the implemented EE and RE strategies to meet design brief.

Achieving Climate Neutrality of Real Estate Portfolio (REP)

Support REP plans to become net-zero by 2040

Accelerate decarbonisation journey across the portfolio to meet 50% emission reduction from energy-related infrastructure by 2030 and 100% by 2040

Augment thermal comfort and air-quality in all the portfolio

Support REP for all the sustainability related reporting for ESG and Green Buildings

Support REP for reducing water consumption and waste generation footprints

Value Addition

Be First, or, Be Better

Awards & Recognition